The Mustard Seed: God’s Promise of New Creation
The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ was a pivotal point in God’s plan to rescue his creation, not just humankind but the entire cosmos, from the bondage of sin. It is his plan to sort out the mess that we have made of this world, to renew his creation and to establish his kingdom here on earth when the glory of God will pour out from the New Jerusalem, filling and flooding the new heaven and the new earth as the waters cover the sea. The mustard seed, the nucleus, was planted on the first Easter morning 2,000 years ago, in an empty tomb in Jerusalem. It took root, grew and burst out of the tomb.
It continues to grow today, with the reality of God’s future bursting through the darkness and despair of this present world. God’s plan is infallible, the outcome indisputable. It will happen with or without you, but the exciting fact is that although God doesn’t need you to implement the kingdom here on earth, he wants you to be part of it by preparing the building blocks for his new creation. What you do in the here and now in the name of Jesus may seem small and insignificant to you, it may seem as insignificant as a mustard seed but it is not, for God will take it and use it in the new heaven and earth, in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, for which we pray when we say ‘Your kingdom come’
ISBN 978-1-64713-296-5
232 pages
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